Friday, November 19, 2010

Desert Happiness

Sarah loves the freedom and the flavor of the desert.

Caroline had a blast planting seeds for flowers and can't wait to be able to pick the flowers to give to her Mom. Or for her Mom to cut and give to her. She understands though, that this is, "just an experiement."

Really, can life be any better for our three year old? Popsicle in hand, waterproof boots, two acres to roam, and plenty of water to splash in?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Overall simplicity

After being here a few days we quickly realized that our childrens' clothes were being ruined by the elements outside. Sand, water and cactus pricklies just don't keep cotton in shape for very long. After changing outfits multiple times a day and using more oxiclean than I had in the previous many months Eldon suggested overalls. Of course, that was brilliant! The kids love them! Even Caroline, my dress queen, loves to wear her overalls "for work only," but puts them on every morning for at least a few minutes before switching to the dress of the day.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Desert Dwelling

Translation:  "Everyone must check our shoes to see if you have pricklies." 

The kids have quickly become familiar with some of the dangers of the desert.  Like going barefoot in a place where the "Jumping" Cholla Cactus thrives.  It's packets of "priclez" really do have a way of jumping onto you even when you are very cautions. 

But there's a lot to love about the wildlife here.  Like the Ocotillo plant that looks like a giant inverted octopus on steroids... with thorns and occasional flowers.  And the ubiquitous rabbits and quail.  And the occasional roadrunner.  And the coyotes patrolling the neighborhood at all hours.  And the tarantulas hanging out by the front door.  And--of course--Joshua Trees.  For example...

A Sunday afternoon walk started with "parasols" in hand.  But then the parasols were traded in for rocks after we saw a few foxes (or coyotes?) trot across the trail.

If you're not careful at night around the front door, you may have some uninvited company enter the house.

Of course, we're loving it here.  Come visit us in the wilderness!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Our Future Desert Abode

The middle of October is an eventful time for our family. The 15th is the day we got married, the day Joseph was born, and the day Grandpa Beck was buried. It will also be the day we move into our first house. We're excited and feel very blessed. Because this home was a short sale, we offered to buy it at the end of May but we only recently received notice of acceptance.  We're survivors of the short sale roller coaster! 

This house is built on a few acres on the southern end of the Twentynine Palms area basin.  It is only a few hundred meters from the border of Joshua Tree National Park (which begins at the mountains you see in the pictures below). If you have never slept under the stars in the desert, you can come to our house and camp out in the backyard. Here's a glimpse of our new place:


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Swim Lessons

All the kids are in swim lessons and are making wonderful progress. This first video will be a treat for anyone who has seen Joseph swim (or, more likely, anyone who has seen Joseph adamantly protest a suggestion that he get in a large body of water).

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Our 3 Big Cheeses at Fairytale Town

Some pictures just need to be shared. This is one of them. Taken at Fairytale Town, Sacramento, CA.

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hiking in The Backyard

This was the post-graduation hike. We are less than approximately one mile from our house, in the George's Hollow / Wire Mountain area.
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