Thursday, May 21, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

California Adventure... no really, that's where we were, not just what we were doing.

Joseph climbing stairs again and waving. This little guy loves to go up and down anything that allows him to go up or down.

Grandma, Shaela, and Caroline waiting for the 3D bug movie. Caroline and Joseph were NOT amused. They screamed through the entire thing.
My parents enjoying their time together.
This is the bench where Shaela and I sat and talked for 3 hours right after we met on the night of June 16, 2004. This is the first time we have been back to Disneyland since then. For those who don't know, Shaela and I first met at Disneyland after corresponding all through May 2004. We were engaged 12 days after meeting and then married on October 15, almost exactly four months after our first meeting.
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Nicole, Caroline, and Madeline getting ready to see a bunch of dancing characters.
Caroline and Joseph with their newly acquired Mardi Gras beads.
While watching some Jedi training, Caroline suddenly became frightened when storm troopers rushed in and Darth Vader arose out of nowhere while the Imperial Theme blasted (see next picture). She was so scared that she covered her eyes, but so interested that she couldn't keep them completely covered.
Caroline and Madeline on Its a Small World.
Shaela won't like this picture of herself, so just look at Joseph. He is waving and talking to someone or something in Its a Small World. He's probably talking like a duck (which he does very well whenever he sees a duck or someone says "what does a duck say?").

The highlight of the whole trip: meeting the princesses. This is Caroline and Belle.
Click here to see Caroline describe her experience meeting some of the princesses.
Ariel was the most personable and engaging of the princesses that we met. Caroline, of course, could hardly contain herself.
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Family Gathering on Coronado

This is the kite we could not fly on the beach at Naval Air Station North Island, where we gathered the day after the wedding. The reason? Low flying aircraft. Pictured are Caroline (trying to grab the kite), Eldon, Nicole and Madeline Pettit, Shaela, and Joseph.
I don't know if it is because we came from Utah (where it was snowing a month ago) or because I don't believe in being cold unless it actually is really cold. But we had a great time visiting as a family despite the clouds and the breeze. Pictured here are Amy Pettit, Beth Beck, and Suzanne Darracq (my mom and two sisters). Suzanne looks more and more like Amy each year.
Here's Mike Darracq with his daughter Charlotte Rose. We were all thrilled to have him with us because we have not seen him since he left for Afghanistan early last summer. He was home for a two week leave period and will complete his deployment (hopefully) within the next three months. His experience as a Navy doctor, attached to an Army command as an individual augment responsible for "mentoring" and developing the Afghan emergency medical system has been interesting, frustrating, and challenging, to put it mildly.

Young people wear little at the beach; old people wear lots. Here is my Dad, Grandma Nicolaysen, and Joel Skousen. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of Joel and my uncle Dave together, but they hit it off and spent the afternoon talking politics.
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Andrew & Michelle's Wedding

The cousins had a great time in San Diego for the marriage of Eldon's sister, Michelle, to Andrew Skousen. Here's a photo of all the girls with Andrew and Michelle outside the San Diego Temple.
Caroline enjoyed dancing with her oldest cousin, Nicole Pettit.
Joseph, with his current fascination with stairs, could frequently be found here going up and down during the reception.
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